What is the difference between PVC duct hose and thermoplastic rubber (TPR) duct hose and polyurethane (PU) duct hose? And how to choose the right flexible duct hose?
When choosing hose materials for specific applications, it is important to consider their short-term and long-term performance. For example, the ideal material should be adapted to the environment and operating conditions now and in the future (eg, high temperature, extremely cold, etc.). Below we outline the measures of PVC, TPR and PU in terms of these capacities.
PVC duct hose is an economical choice for general applications. They are commonly used in ventilation, carpentry and other operations that do not involve exposure to extreme temperatures, chemicals, ultraviolet radiation or abrasive materials.
Compared with PVC duct hose, TPR duct hose have higher wear resistance and a smoother interior, thus ensuring minimum friction losses and effective airflow. They are suitable for applications involving low or high temperatures, chemicals, moisture, and outdoor use (exposure to ultraviolet light).
Compared with PVC flexible hose and TPR flexible hose, PU flexible hose is excellent solutions for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications. PU flexible duct hose has excellent wear resistance and chemical resistance, higher tear strength, better vacuum and pressure levels, and good flexibility at low temperatures.
If any interests in our flexible PVC duct hose, Thermoplastic Rubber TPR duct hose, Polyurethane PU duct hose please feel free to click contact us or through email: info@eiduct.com or Mobile(WhatsApp): 00-86-187-1155-3123, or our another website: DuctingHose.com to contact us, we are always here to satisfy your requirement!