Why ECOOSI Silicone Hot Air Duct Hose is an ideal choice for Hopper Dryers?
Hopper Dryer Hose
In the plastics processing industry, you need a durable hopper dryer hose to get the job done consistently. Excellent airflow can be achieved by using a central air inlet hose that discharges air through a diffuser cone at the bottom of the hopper. Then, the air flows evenly through the material and is discharged through a unique cyclone dust collector incorporated in the cover of the drying hopper.Flexible and easy to handle
The dryer evaporates moisture from the wet cloth and materials by blowing high-temperature air over the plastics, causing them to circulate inside the machine. Then, the moisture passes through the dryer hose and drains to the outside of the building at the endpoint. Due to the need for consistent airflow, the dryer air duct hose must be flexible and maneuverable to avoid threats to the airflow.Durable and compressible
Since the dryer vent duct needs to transfer the dryer exhaust gas to a secondary location, it must be a flexible duct. In an industrial environment, it is essential that the flexible air duct must be durable to withstand the harsh tests of the medium and the external environment that pass through it. The dryer hose must be manipulated from the back of the equipment and reach the terminal point leading to the outside. Our hot air silicone duct hose has this necessary flexibility without sacrificing the durability of the hose material. In addition, by using a dryer air duct with a high degree of compressibility, you will be able to transport, install and maintain the dryer air hose more easily.Non-kinked
One of the most common causes of low airflow in the dryer hose is kinks in the dryer duct. This is caused by the bending of the flexible hose, which causes the movement of air and materials to be interrupted. The sudden stop of the airflow also results in material accumulated in the kinks of the hose, such as lint. Ecoosi flexible hopper dryer hoses are non-kinked, allowing you to bend the dryer duct hose without causing any restrictive kinks. A kink-free hose is ideal for dryer applications because it prevents lint and other flammable materials from accumulating in the hose, thereby reducing the risk of potentially devastating fires. Another benefit of the anti-kink feature is that by preventing the accumulation of clogged garbage, the dryer duct hose can be better ventilated and pass air without obstruction.Contact Information
If you any interested or questions about our double layer silicone flexible hot air duct hopper dryer hose, please feel free to click contact us or email: info@eiduct.com or Mobile(WhatsApp): 00-86-187-1155-3123, or our other website: Ducting Hose, we are always here to satisfy your requirement!